Monday, February 9, 2009

International Justice Mission

The International Justice Mission is a humans rights agency that attempts to get justice for people who have fallen victim to "slavery, sexual exploitation and other forms of violent oppression." cited

They work with lawyers, investigators, and local officials in order to see that justice is served.

An excerpt taken from the "Injustice today" page of the site "In many countries around the world, pedophiles find that they can sexually violate children with impunity. And though police should be protectors, in many nations, their presence is a source of insecurity for the poor. Suspects can be held interminably before trials, imprisoned for crimes they did not commit.....The land rights of women are violated on a massive scale worldwide, but with particular ferocity in Africa, leaving widows and other women in vulnerable positions unable to care for themselves or their children. Around the world, women suffer the double indignity of rape and seeing their perpetrators face no consequences for crimes of sexual violence." cited

The International Justice Mission is basically trying to be the legal voice of these people. Because they have a base of lawyers working for the organization, they can make sure that the people profiting from the slavery or sex trades will be prosecuted.

There is a link to some facts and statistics about rape, female genitalia mutilation, forced labor slavery and other things.

The website hold a lot of information as to how you can help out as well. This site was extremely informative. There is also a page for those interested in interning.

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