Thursday, February 12, 2009

A disturbing article...

I found this on the chicago-suntimes web page. An article about how women are in the top 60% for running trafficking rings.

I would copy and past but it is copy written. Read the article though.

Monday, February 9, 2009

International Justice Mission

The International Justice Mission is a humans rights agency that attempts to get justice for people who have fallen victim to "slavery, sexual exploitation and other forms of violent oppression." cited

They work with lawyers, investigators, and local officials in order to see that justice is served.

An excerpt taken from the "Injustice today" page of the site "In many countries around the world, pedophiles find that they can sexually violate children with impunity. And though police should be protectors, in many nations, their presence is a source of insecurity for the poor. Suspects can be held interminably before trials, imprisoned for crimes they did not commit.....The land rights of women are violated on a massive scale worldwide, but with particular ferocity in Africa, leaving widows and other women in vulnerable positions unable to care for themselves or their children. Around the world, women suffer the double indignity of rape and seeing their perpetrators face no consequences for crimes of sexual violence." cited

The International Justice Mission is basically trying to be the legal voice of these people. Because they have a base of lawyers working for the organization, they can make sure that the people profiting from the slavery or sex trades will be prosecuted.

There is a link to some facts and statistics about rape, female genitalia mutilation, forced labor slavery and other things.

The website hold a lot of information as to how you can help out as well. This site was extremely informative. There is also a page for those interested in interning.

Free the Slaves

I stumbled upon this organization Free the Slaves. It is a non profit organization, founded by Dr. Kevin Bales whose focus is to free slaves all over the world and help them rebuild their lives as freed people. Free the slaves uses research in hopes of finding a way to rid the world of slavery. They get true life stories from people they have helped free. Not only do they free worker slaves, the free women and children in the sex slave trade as well.

Dr. Kevin Bales actually wrote a book titled Understanding Global Slavery. In this book Dr. Bales talks about slavery and how it effects our boarders as well as how it can be ended.
"He explores our basic ideas about what slavery is and how the phenomenon fits into our moral, political, and economic worlds. He seeks to explain how human trafficking brings people into our cities and how the demand for trafficked workers, servants, and prostitutes shapes modern slavery. And he asks how we can study and measure this mostly hidden crime..." cited

The website is very insightful and gives a lot of information. It also has stories from former slaves, where you can help make a difference, stories from researchers and people who are in the "frontlines' and just a lot of interesting information.

As a sociologist, this would definitely be something that could be touched upon and researched further.

Sex slave trade and trafficking

Oftentimes you may be channel surfing and catch a prime time show covering the dirty world of sex trafficking and trade. Like most things it not only happens overseas but it happens here, at home and possibly in your neighborhood.

One place that really touches my heart when it comes to sex slavery is India. I was watching a show about it on Oxygen and was totally floored at how horrible and terrible it truly is. And to think that we live in such a great nation as ours and there isn't more being done about it.

Well my blog will be dedicated predominantly to sex trade and trafficking as well as slavery and how its global effect.